How is it already August? I have no idea where the time has gone! I keep updating our marathon training schedule and can't believe we are already on week 14. Our runs have been going really well and for the last couple long runs I was by myself in Hawaii while Rush was in Korea. I definitely missed having my motivational partner so I'm happy to be back in Korea for our upcoming 18 mile this weekend!
I do have to say though I will miss my cheering squadron/water station back in Hawaii (Thanks Sandy for the water!). The city of Seoul is okay for running, but we are having a hard time finding water fountains around our normal path. And of course the rolling hills don't help me out!
Last week, we decided to meet up in California because Rush was there for work. We took an extra week and took a little vacation. It was pretty last minute so finding reservations made it a little hard, but we took what we could find.
We started the journey in San Francisco by leaving at 430am en route to Yosemite. We added this on to the trip last minute and I'm so happy we did. It was absolutely one of the most amazing places I have ever been. It was beautiful and the weather was great. We ended up staying in a Yurt which was a little interesting but we made the best of it! It was something I can mark off my list :)

On Sunday morning we started the day with The 4 mile hike to Glacier Point. It actually ended up being about 5 miles...I'm guessing they haven't checked their mileage in awhile. From there we felt really good and decided to continue down on the Panorama Trail which was about 8 miles. We were able to see Nevada Falls, Vernal Falls and the continue on Mist Trail. After over 13 miles of hiking we called it a day and crashed hard for the night. We got up early the next day and headed to do The Upper Yosemite Falls hike. It was a total of 9 miles and we were able to get so close to the Falls. It was a steep walk down and a bit scary but something we had to do.

After saying good bye to Yosemite, we started driving towards Big Sur. Of course, camping would have been great but we just didn't have the time to get gear from friends so we found a rustic cabin. Rush's brother came down to meet us and we had a great time. Driving the PCH was beautiful and I'm really happy we had the chance to do the trip.
I took over 400 pictures from our trip but don't want to bore everyone with too many. It's almost the weekend here in Korea so that means one's almost time for our 18 mile run! Wish us luck because we will definitely need it!